Okay I know I took a long break but I have been busy. Alot of things have change for the better in my life. One thing is that I got rid of something (wink) and I finally accepted that my body does not do well on grains at all so I had to let them go. I have been officially grain free for about a month and I feel sooooo much better. I don't wake up all brain foggy and stuffy anymore. No more joint pain or candida issues. Oh and I was tested in my new found grain freeness yesterday because we had a baby shower at work and I was responsible for the CAKE!!!! I was going to bake it but I ran out of time (due to cheerleading practice running over) so I bought them (needed two) from Wegmans. Long story short we had the shower and I didn't even want any of the cake. I just realized how much better now how I feel now that I don't eat grains and it just was not worth it. Plus if I want cake I can still bake one.
Now mind you I haven't given up on baking just yet. I have begun baking with blanched almond flour and so far so good!!! I truly think that the almond flour is much more easy to work with than wheat flour. Now I know that the flour is made from properly prepared nuts but that is one allowance I am will to make and I haven't experienced any adverse issues from using it thus far.
So far I have made muffins and cookies with great results. Last night I made Banana Chocolate Chip muffins and they are just so uber yummy!!! They are moist and rich and two (they are small) of them make a very filling snack!! So I thought I would share the recipe!!
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
3 ripe bananas
3 cups almond flour
3 tablespoons butter or coconut oil
3 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons backing soda
3/4 of a cup chocolate chips (this is what I had left in the bag - hehehe)
2 eggs (I think 3 might be better)
1/4 cup honey
10 drops of stevia liquid (I used the vanilla flavored)
2 teaspoons real vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
First I mashed the bananas (let the kids help with this) and then I added the eggs, honey, stevia, vanilla, and butter. Mixed it well and then added the remaining ingredients. I coated my muffin tin with butter (to avoid my muffins sticking). Fill the tins about three quarters of the way full and bake for 18-20 minutes. (Enjoy)
I find that almond flour products taste better once they have cooled down.
Tonight I am making cabbage lasagna rolls (grain free) - and I will be sharing the recipe.
Dangers of the Birth Control Pill
1 week ago
That sounds amazing! I bet it tastes phenomenal. I'm relatively new to grain-free baking, and that looks like the recipe to try.